Becoming aware that the behaviours that have contributed to your success are now holding you back and then deciding to act is a brave thing to do. In our experience this can be one of the major obstacles to both individual and business adaptation. Moving at pace, being willing to take a risk and aligning both your culture and strategy to an ambitious vision is the essence of an agile organisation.
Nexeon have spent the last few years employing some of the cleverest and most innovative scientists they can find to support the development of new battery technology. The organisation has been driven by peoples love of research, curiosity and innovation. However as with any venture capital funded start-up, they are expected to provide a return which in this case means moving from the design phase and into the production, marketing and sales stage.
In short, they had to shift away from the behaviours that had contributed to their early successes and develop a culture that would enable them to meet their future goals.
We worked with them to define and then articulate the cultural attributes needed for the future together with those that that needed to be left behind. Once identified these were translated into observable and measurable behaviours that formed the basis of every part of their talent and employee life cycle.
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