“Doctors naturally spend a lot of time listening to and advising others which continues into senior leadership positions. Many make little time to focus on themselves. The highly professional development centres have been hugely valued with many commenting that despite their seniority, this had provided new and invaluable insights to support them in addressing the challenges of their roles.”
Working with the college office bearers over the last five years has been a stimulating and enlightening experience. The participants on this programme shared track records and professional career achievements that spoke volumes for their individual and collective credentials. Their unique value and continued potential within their areas of specialism was unquestionable.
Perhaps more surprising was their lower levels of self-awareness and self-confidence regarding their people and organisational leadership skills. This could only emerge within the safe space of the workshops and one to one conversations that we had with them. Feedback in this sector is often scarce or weighted heavily towards technical competence. For many, the receipt of genuine feedback, coaching and challenge around their leadership potential and style was a first in their otherwise impressive and highly respected careers.
Many described the opportunity to have quality, dedicated time with their peers in a facilitated and constructive environment as a real gift. They expressed a thirst for evidence-based leadership theory, case study and best practice examples that they could apply to their own challenges and opportunities. In a number of cases, they saw this as timely and transformational in terms of their personal career planning and decision-making.
Silvermaple have supported the FMLM over the last five years to provide insights and support for those looking to take on the role of president within their Royal College.
This has been in the form of an in depth diagnostic process which marks the starting point of a leadership development programme for this cohort of senior doctors. The diagnostic needs to provide individuals with unique insights into their current capability and future potential - the overarching aim being to maximise their impact as current or aspiring Royal College Presidents.
We have been able to provide college office bearers with an in-depth evaluation which gives powerful insights into their capability, potential and needs for the future. Through working intensively with an Occupational Psychologists throughout the day, individuals are provided with insights into their:
When combined, these activities provide individuals with real clarity about where their development should be focussed and how to capitalise on the development modules that follow.
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